Welcome Offer
To open an account, simply click on “Join now” in the navigation to the left. It will take you through the very simple process of signing up.
No, we allow one registration account per person to keep things fair.
The fastest way to reset your password is to click 'Log In', then the 'Forgot Password?' link. You will then receive an email with a link to create a new password. It takes about 30 seconds to do. If you can't reset the password yourself or you can't get into your email account, contact our customer care team via live chat or email support@luckydreams.com, and once we've confirmed you are who you are, we can reset your password.
Just sign in, go into your personal profile 'My Account', then click the 'Add Currency' button and select a currency from the dropdown menu.
Casino - Discover
Access our games from anywhere in the world and play any slot you want with the vast game selection we have. Lucky Dreams casino has all the casino game providers and your favourite games all in one place.
It doesnt matter if you are just starting out or you have an experienced gambler. In our online casino you will find everything you want.
When signing up to play with our casino you will benefit from a 100% welcome offer. We do this as a testament of how much we value our customers. Our bonuses are tailor made for the players created by players. Our team all have great product expertise which is why we know how to serve you the best. The bonus is also there to enhance your experience as a user and boost your balance.
What we hold at heart at lucky dreams casino is how we manage the money of our customers, specially deposits and withdrawals. At lucky dreams we have made it a point to make this a key pillar in our user experience. Our aim is to become the best online casino in the industry. To achieve this we are ensuring we are constantly updating payment methods to ensure all your transactions with us are safe and sound!
We have also built great customer support teams in the online casino business. This is because we want you to feel that there is always someone from our team who can lend a hand and answer any questions you may have.
Enter our casino, and just enjoy the experience with our classic table games that are usually linked with playing high stakes. Now with table games you need to make sure to have the best selection possible. And guess which online casino brings you this experience? With the risk of sounding like a broken record Lucky dreams casino does exactly